Thursday, 21 October 2010

WOW What a week!

When I look back at my blog I often wonder where I found the time to keep you guys as updated as I did. I seem to spend most of my time these days apologising for a lack of updates.

This week I've been busy helping my friend Lisa. I touched on what had been happening last week and this week I've been well, picking up the pieces I guess. Lisa and her husband Steve have been married for 15yrs and she came home to find him in bed with his secretary. Now I know you lot would think that from my perspective that would be like all my Christmas's coming at once but for Lisa it was devastating!

Steve was her world and despite my own concerns I'm pretty sure he'd not played away before. So you can imagine it was crushing for Lisa. She's been staying at mine this week and it's been tough. As you can imagine emotions are running high and Lisa needs plenty of help getting her life together. I'm not complaining and I'm quite glad to have some company around the house for a few days. I've been helping her get her things together and she'll moving into a new place next week.

I'm fit to burst though. I've still not had any sex! In fact I've lost count of the days it's been so long! Any offers?  Robin :-x


Andy said...

I don't think you'll have a problem with offers ;-)

edens_dragon said...

In case you can't see me, I am raising my hand :)

doug fox said...

its not my hand that's up, it is too bad the friken ocean is so immense.
BTW love your blog hope things get better for you, soon. Ta from Canada, north

Jack said...

Well, if you are ever in Wales, there may be devoted lurkers. Especially if there are some of those famous chocolate brownies involved.
